Altered Lands


OMG A DOG guys look theres a dog hes a dog that goes bark bark but actually he's not a dog he's a werewolf :( its okay though because he unknowingly does dog things when he's not in his humanoid form!! He wants to be taken more seriously because he has to manage a considerable amount of souls but WHO CARES HES A FUCKING DOG. Theo manages to be the least serious person ever, which is likely because of his weird hat collecting obsession and the fact that he's a brony turned furry. Other than his weird "PWEASE TAKE ME SERIOUSLY" thing, he's actually relatively sane and normal, he got up to a huge amount of tomfoolery years ago, but he's put that all behind him and now he's turned a new leaf (maybe) (probably) (don't count on it)

Before he had a small army of souls to kill things with, though, he was a relatively well regarded salesman that specialized in hats and other random accessories that would randomly appear in the altered lands. He ended up getting bored of living the high life of a salesman, and decided to find a bunch of souls and convince them to go beat up whatever weird creatures theo wants them to. Apparently, he's quite good at getting people to do things!