Altered Lands


oooo its the fuckin wizard!!!! Stace is a wizard who does wizard things for her family who has a casino. Working at this casino is soulsuckingly awful for her, but where would Stace go if she were to quit? She hates living alone, and she still the reputation she gained from when she still actively worked at that casino, so she’s stuck working a miserable job at a place she’s only at because one of her sisters decided that she wanted to have a casino to pick up chicks at.

…Well, she WAS fucked, until one of the chimera who worked at that casino decided to fill the casino with a gas that knocked everyone out, stole their stuff, and did a huge rug pull. So now, Stace and her sisters have to deal with the PR nightmare because of some jackass who robbed everyone, so now Stace, one of the oldest living sisters, is taking a nice visit to the city Old Arcadia to convince one of the spirits that she had nothing to do with that casino robbery so she won’t get arrested or worse due to some random jackass.

If you ignore the dread she feels due to her soulsucking job, she actually isn't that bad of a person, as she will probably infodump about whatever insane magic stuff she's been researching, and tends to keep to herself due to her disliking large populated places and getting extremely wrapped up in her studies.